Saturday, August 22, 2015

United States Institute for Peace Online Courses

Online Courses From the United States Institute for Peace

Civil Resistance and the Dynamics of Nonviolent Movements

This course is a multidisciplinary exploration of civilian-backed movements and campaigns that fight for justice and civil rights. Taught by Daryn Cambridge, Maria Stephan and Althea Middleton-Detzner, the course is free for a limited period of time.

Civilian-based movements have been rising around the world in response to deep-rooted social and political problems. Citizens are organizing and joining movements and activities that fight corruption, unaccountable governance, discrimination, environmental problems, tyranny, foreign occupation and terrorism. Despite the absence of guns and explosives, peaceful protests, sit-ins, boycotts and other similar tactics are becoming a force to reckon with, especially when leveraged with political and traditional means.

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Conflict Analysis

The United States Institute for Peace uses case-based scenarios in this introductory course to conflict analysis.

Good conflict management process requires sound conflict analysis, from prevention to reconciliation. Effective intervention programs require an understanding of the nature and nuances of conflict and its context. Conflict analysis is also the key to developing good prevention and mitigation strategy, enabling decision makers to identify core priorities and understand the possible outcomes of their actions and policy.


Demystifying Monitoring and Evaluation for Practitioners

Due to the shortage of key resources, gathering evidence is becoming an indispensable part of peacebuilding. The United States Institute for Peace developed this course to shed light on the practice of monitoring and evaluation. The course will cover useful tools that peacebuilders can deploy in conflict-afflicted zones.

The need for evidence has never been this critical for peacebuilding. The process of establishing evidence-based work with efficacy that can be proven objectively is such a common challenge faced by growing professions like peacebuilding. This requires hypothesizing, adapting old ideas to modern challenges and experimenting with new ones. Through effective monitoring and evaluation, the cost-effectiveness of peacebuilding as a conflict resolution and prevention tool can be proven and measured.

Through this scenario-based course, the United States Institute for Peace seeks to equip students with better understanding of monitoring and evaluation so they can effectively manage projects that can be evaluated more easily. This helps minimize risks to stakeholders, allows participants to maximize the performance of projects and prevents resource misappropriation.


Strategic Peacebuilding

This United States Institute for Peace course aims to enable students to develop comprehensive and strategic peacebuilding approaches. Peacebuilding is taught from cross-disciplinary perspectives to emphasize the central concepts and practices used by scholars, decision makers and peacebuilders to end war and injustices. The course draws from multiple disciplines like psychology, sociology, political science, economics, international relations, anthropology and religion.

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