Thursday, December 7, 2017

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Isreal’s Capitol

Does Trumps Decision Help or Hinder the Peace Process?

In a move that places domestic politics over decades of international and US precidenet, Predisdent Trump today announced that the US would recognize Jerulaem as Israel’s Capitol.“Over the past seven decades, the Israeli people have built a country where Jews, Muslims, Christians, and people of all faiths are free to live and worship according to their conscience and beliefs.”Until the new embassy in Jerusalem opens, current law requires the president to sign a waiver that keeps the embassy in Tel Aviv operable. The new embassy “will be a magnificent tribute to peace,” he added.Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a statement following the president’s speech that “the State Department will immediately begin the process to implement” the decision to move the embassy.  read more at

While the step has been anticipated for days, it was not well received outside of Israel itself.

Despite urgent appeals from Arab and European leaders and the risk of anti-American protests and violence, Trump declared it was time for a new approach to Mideast peace after decades of failure. Calling Jerusalem Israel’s capital, he argued, was merely recognizing the obvious.

Ahead of Trump’s speech, a wide array of world leaders warned that his declaration could severely damage Arab-Israeli peace prospects in a region wracked by instability. They said recognizing Israel’s claims to the city, however caveated, would infuriate Muslims and potentially spark protests and violence that might further fray American alliances.

In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his nation was “profoundly grateful” and Trump’s announcement was an “important step toward peace.” However, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Wednesday that the U.S. shift “is a declaration of withdrawal from the role it has played in the peace process.”   read more at


The Pope did not see the move as a wise one, and had urged President Trump to maintaint the status quo.


VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis, speaking hours before U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement on Jerusalem, called on Wednesday for the city’s “status quo” to be respected, saying new tension in the Middle East would further inflame world conflicts.

In an appeal at the end of his weekly general audience, Francis called for all to honor United Nations resolutions on the city, which is sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims.

“I make a heartfelt appeal so that all commit themselves to respecting the status quo of the city, in conformity with the pertinent resolutions of the United Nations,” he said.

The Vatican backs a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, with both sides agreeing on the status of Jerusalem as part of the peace process.




Friday, January 27, 2017

Trump Boosts Wall Idea – Mexico Frustrated – World Watches

The World takes notice, New Zealand is following Trumps campaign follow through regarding not only the cancellation of TPP of which New Zealand was an active partner, but also the efforts on Trumps part to dominate and dictate to the US’s #2 trading partner, Mexico.

If he treats his neighbors like that, what can we hope for thousands of miles away?

US President Donald Trump is about to speak after Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto informed the White House he has cancelled his trip to Washington.

The cancellation follows US President Donald Trump’s threat to force Mexico to pay for a border wall.

Trump said on Wednesday he would start building a US-Mexico border wall and vowed to make Mexico pay for it. Mexico opposes the wall and has repeatedly said it won’t pay for it.

Former Foreign Relations Secretary Jorge Castaneda told local media: “Pena Nieto has no other choice but to say ‘I’m not going’.”

Former Foreign Relations Secretary Jorge Castaneda told local media: “Pena Nieto has no other choice but to say ‘I’m not going’.”

Former Foreign Relations Secretary Jorge Castaneda told local media: “Pena Nieto has no other choice but to say ‘I’m not going’.”

Continued below.Related Content ‘There will be a payment’: President Donald Trump gives first interview since inauguration UK Prime Minister Theresa May to meet with US President Donald Trump Video Watch: Trump hails victory in Pennsylvania

Trump’s unusual, voluble and unpredictable style appeared to catch Mexico’s normally quiet and cautious diplomacy off guard.

Finance Secretary Jose Antonio Meade told Grupo Formula radio: “I think that, in general, diplomacy is not conducted via Twitter.”

“The Foreign Relations Secretary is involved up there, having meetings up there, and we’ll have to see what comes out of that, what report they send to the President and what conclusions they arrive at from all that,” said Meade.    read more: Via

The future of diplomacy is likely to be challenged as non diplomats take charge in Trumps State Department. Do business men make good statesmen? The jury is out.  Ambassadors for Peace are nervously watching.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Where Will the Transition Take Us in Terms Of Peace in the World?

usatoday.comDonald Trump, Mitt Romney to meet in highly anticipated get-together

Donald Trump and Mitt Romney fiercely criticized each other during the campaign. Now the two are meeting to make peace amid speculation Romney is being considered for secretary of State in a Trump administration.

There have been reports that Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, is interested in the post of secretary of State but analysts say it’s doubtful Trump would offer a job in his administration or that Romney would take it given the verbal jabs they exchanged on the trail.

Would a Romney Role as Secretary of State soften Trump’s Bluster?

Mr. Romney fits a decidedly different mold. Earlier this year, he said that if Mr. Trump became the Republican nominee, “the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished,” and he suggested that Mr. Trump was dangerous and unstable. He deplored Mr. Trump’s personal qualities: “the bullying, the greed, the showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third-grade theatrics.”

But if he took a cabinet post, Mr. Romney could serve as a moderating influence on the hard-liners Mr. Trump has already selected, including Representative Mike Pompeo of Kansas as C.I.A. director and Stephen K. Bannon as chief strategist. It could also force Mr. Romney to defend administration policies he did not believe in.

This second option appears to have more substance. Indicating that the effort to reach out to Romney may be more show than moderation.

John Feehery, a Republican strategist, said Mr. Trump was showing “great magnanimity” by talking to Mr. Romney, the party’s 2012 nominee and a former governor of Massachusetts. “I think it is meant to reassure some of the establishment that he is going to reach out to them, and that’s an important part of healing the party.” read more at

In the aftermath of Trumps surprising victory, there are many unanswered questions about the path forward.  Many of Trumps pronouncements during the campaign raised eyebrows, and frankly have scared many.

Will he sober up under the responsibility of the office. One would assume so. And from that perspective we can hope.

On the other hand, the apparent ignorance as opposed to the stupidity of some of his comments seem to leave him vulnerable to Loyal advisors with uncertain knowledge, skills and most worrisome motives.

As always, it is time to be vigilant.




Monday, October 10, 2016

What Would a Clinton Presidency Mean for the Peace Corps?

Clinton Proposes new National Service Reserve…

… as part of her larger national service platform, Hillary Clinton announced her plan to create a new National Service Reserve that will expand ways for young Americans to serve their communities and their country. The Reserve will provide a vehicle for the sense of civic ownership and responsibility that Clinton has felt throughout her life, bringing Americans from all backgrounds together in common cause to make a difference where they live. Anyone can sign up to join the Reserve, and national and local leaders can call upon Reserve members to take part in projects of all types — from natural disasters in places like Baton Rouge or emergency relief in places like Flint, MI to addressing the epidemic of addiction in places like New Hampshire. Clinton set a goal of enlisting 5 million Americans, with a special focus on people between the ages of 18 and 30, in the new Reserve.

Studies have shown that millennials are particularly interested in volunteerism and are contributing to their communities in a variety of ways, setting new expectations for social impact as individuals, employees, founders and consumers. Their impact is evident on existing programs, too: AmeriCorps is receiving five times more applications than it has spots to fill, and the Peace Corps has seen a 32% increase in applications compared to the previous year. Additionally, national service provides important job training opportunities especially for non-college youth, and helps Americans pay for college, repay student debt and build skills and that are attractive to employers. Read More

Walk For Peace



US News and World Report covers Peace Corps Anniversary

Peace Corps volunteer Michael Abkin

Peace Corps volunteer Michael Abkin, then and more recently

What is your favorite memory from your time in the Peace Corps?

From 1966 to 1968, I taught French at Ondo Boys’ High School, in the town of Ondo, in what was then Nigeria’s Western Region. There were many expatriates in Ondo at the time, mainly Brits and Israelis building the new roads from Ile‐Ife to Ondo and from Ondo to Ilorin, as well as Peace Corps and Voluntary Service Overseas (British) volunteers and a smattering of business people.

When the Eastern Region of Nigeria seceded in 1967 and the civil war broke out, many of the Ibos in Ondo fled in fear of reprisals. One of them had tended the town’s cold store, a general store with refrigerated and frozen items. He just locked it up and disappeared. This left the town, mainly its expatriates, without a ready source of the canned and other imported food items they liked that were not otherwise available in the local markets. Read More about Michael

Friday, September 2, 2016

Peace Corp Connect Conference Washington DC

Peace Corps Beyond

The Peace Corp is America’s most visible single effort to connect people in the US with the goal of attaining peace in the world today.

Peace Corps Connect is the Peace Corps community’s annual conference hosted by the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) and its affiliate groups to connect, advocate and impact. At this year’s conference – Peace Corps Beyond – we look forward to celebrating 55 years of Peace Corps and the limitless potential of our community to continue to create change. The conference will highlight work being done by our community members and partner organizations and explore how, through increased collaboration, we can continue to champion Peace Corps ideals.

Learn more about different aspects of the event by clicking on the quick links below:

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The Featured Speaker will be Liberian President & Nobel Laureate Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, a lifelong advocate for girls and women and the first woman to lead an African nation.

The event will conclude with a Walk For Peace from 9AM to 2PM beginning at the University Yard at George Washington University, past the White House and ending on Capitol Hill for speeches highlighting the impact of the Peace Corp.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Is a Peace Treaty Between US and North Korea Possible?

It would seem as though Relations between the US and North Korea are worse than ever. But could that change?

Chinese envoy calls for peace treaty with NK

By Kim Hyo-jin

Denuclearizing North Korea and signing a peace treaty with the reclusive country are not separate matters, said Chinese Ambassador to South Korea Qiu Guohong Tuesday.

“I believe that we should wisely put the topics of helping Pyongyang and Washington sign a peace treaty and denuclearizing the North together on the negotiating table,” Qiu said during a meeting with Kim Chong-in, the interim leader of the main opposition Minjoo Party of Korea (MPK), according to MPK lawmaker Rep. Park Gwang-on.

Stressing the importance of resuming the six-party talks on North Korea’s nuclear program, Qiu said negotiating with Pyongyang is the best way to resolve the nuclear issue.

“Beijing thinks that talks and negotiations with the country will fundamentally resolve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula,” Qiu was quoted as saying. “The six-party talks are the best multilateral stage and China will keep working for their resumption.”  h/t

The Chinese are not the only ones suggesting a radical rethinking of the US approach to North Korea. Joel Wit a former negotiator for the US takes a similar tack.

The United States should increase pressure on North Korea but at the same time make clear its willingness to hold comprehensive negotiations encompassing not only denuclearization, but also a peace treaty and normalization of diplomatic relations, a U.S. expert has said.

Joel Wit, a former State Department negotiator with Pyongyang, made the suggestion in a recent policy suggestion report, stressing that President Barack Obama’s policy on the North failed to achieve any progress towards U.S. objectives in the region, and a new approach should be put together to curb the North’s nuclear and missile capabilities.

Wit, currently editor of the website 38 North, argued that the U.S. has “set the autopilot button

on a course to further isolate and pressure the North in the wake of its fourth nuclear test in January and a long-range missile test the following month.”

But such an approach will only make the situation worse, leading to “more DPRK provocations, a greater risk of conflict and instability on the Korean peninsula, the continued growth of the North’s nuclear and missile arsenal, and even new overseas sales and cooperation, particularly with Iran,” Wit said.

“To address these threats, the U.S. government needs to ratchet up pressure on the DPRK. At the same time it should make clear to the North and China that Washington is prepared to engage in comprehensive negotiations with the DPRK on a peace treaty to replace the armistice, linked to limiting, reducing and eventually eliminating the threat from North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction and normalizing U.S.-DPRK relations,” Wit said.  read more at